Goodbye Jo – The world has lost one of its greatest gifts.
It is with great sadness that these words are written.
Jo died at home early in the evening of 1 February 2022, with Simon beside her.
Keeping you up to date
It is with great sadness that these words are written.
Jo died at home early in the evening of 1 February 2022, with Simon beside her.
What’s up? Well things have progressed and I fear this will be my last post. Since the brain radiation I’ve been really unwell and in
Hey folks. If you have recently donated (or even donated in the past but not received a thank you), please keep an eye eye on
Well, as you may know things have progressed with my cancer. Now there are more lesions in my lungs, brain and now my liver. This
Dear friends, I have finally finished my thank-you emails. They have taken me over a year to write. I have tried, where possible, to add
Well we’d always like an update to be positive, but that is something I can’t do today. I had a scan last Friday, and unfortunately
Philosophy You know its funny this preparing to die thing. It feels a lot like normal life. Each day is much like it was in
Well its a long time between blog posts. Cancer update: The chemotherapy protocol I was on initially – eribulin + Keytruda (this is the really
This week marked the end of my third round of chemotherapy, and also my third dose of Keytruda (“pembro “).
There isn’t a great deal to report medically. I am tracking ok. Few side effects, no nasty autoimmune effects from the Keytruda – taking the brakes off my immune system can lead to my immune system attacking just about anywhere.
The first time I had chemotherapy, I cried. I had to sign a consent form that I understood just what was going to happen to
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